I used to back the photo directory to the Linux workstation over the network, since the disks were RAIDed. The RAW photo library is split between an expired beta copy of Lightroom, and stuff from Rawshooter which hasn’t been imported to Lightroom.
It fetches all my email from various accounts, filters it using SpamAssassin, and serves it up via SquirrelMail it also presents our old black-and-white HP LaserJet to the other machines via Samba. a Pentium 3 Linux server – a total workhorse.Half of my email archives are on here too. a 64-bit AMD Linux workstation with RAID1 160Gb internal disk on which most of my photos are stored… but the power switch is broken and I rarely have the machine on as a) it has overheating issues and b) I have to touch pins on the motherboard to boot it.a Netgear 54G wireless router with firewall on an ADSL connection.The real kicker for this has been all of the twitterings around the imminent release of Leopard, and some reading about what Time Machine is going to do for me. It’s just about time for me to sort out the patchwork of devices on my home network.